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The Iowa Space
Grant Consortium

Promoting opportunities aligned with NASA’s mission by stimulating research, education, and outreach programs for all Iowans.

A part of NASA’s National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program since 1990, the Iowa Space Grant Consortium (ISGC) continually strives to improve and inspire Iowa’s future in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). The ISGC supports NASA-relevant STEM research, education, and outreach activities for all Iowans with NASA internships, fellowships, and scholarships, competitions for grants within higher education members (with NASA Mission Directorate alignment), as well as informal education grants with outreach affiliates.

Open Funding Opportunities


Deadline: January 31, 2025


Deadline: October 7, 2024


Deadline: August 30, 2024

Featured Project

Using GIS to evaluate the habitat isolation among pollinator Conservation Research Program habitat

Ethan Dickey – University of Northern Iowa

Upcoming Event

Space Week Challenge

October 4-10

The Iowa NASA Space Grant Consortium (ISGC) is sponsoring a World Space Week Challenge (WSWC) for Iowa youth in grades Kindergarten through six.

Reach for the Stars

ISGC helped fund my student project which allowed me to start my own project research through M2K. This gave me the chance to gain a lot of amazing leadership experience as well as get hands-on experience.
Dillyn Mumme, Iowa State University
The research opportunities given to me while as a ISGC Fellowship recipient led me to later receive a pathways internship at the Air Force Research Lab and then after graduation a full time position at Ames Research Center.
Andrew Bodling, University of Texas at San Antonio
I was awarded the Iowa Space Grant Consortium NASA award to support the research I conducted for my Master's Thesis. I completed this thesis under Dr. Schnell at the Operator Performance Laboratory (OPL) in Iowa City, Iowa. I learned so much during my time there.
Katharine Woodruff, University of Iowa
Collecting data in a NASA mission can be difficult and expensive and I would love to work on maximizing the return of the data from these missions. I have also met many inspiring scientists in my different interactions with NASA.
Nicole North, University of Northern Iowa

Abigail Bangs

University of Northern Iowa

Identification of Microorganisms from the Depths of Wind Cave


Anna Braun

Drake University

Analysis of Double-Strand Break Repair Pathway Genes in Human Cancer Cell Lines


Hannah Cochran

Iowa State University

MISSFIT – Artificial Gravity Model for Interplanetary Space Travel


Tepary Cooley

Drake University

Analysis of Increasing DNA Damage on Levels of DNA Ligase IV Found in Cancer Cells


Inspiring the Future

The ISGC is dedicated to continually improving and inspiring Iowans’ future in STEM, bringing NASA opportunities to Iowa through a variety of programmatic opportunities and collaborations.

Consortium Partners


ISGC is Part of NASA’s National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program

NASA initiated the National Space Grant College and Fellowship Project, also known as Space Grant, in 1989. Space Grant is a national network of colleges and universities. These institutions are working to expand opportunities for Americans to understand and participate in NASA’s aeronautics and space projects by supporting and enhancing science and engineering education, research and public outreach efforts.