Iowa State University, Electrical Engineering
Grout Museum DistrictÂ
What are the current goals of your project?
I want to continue delivering my NASA programming. I love building “kits” and ways for my lessons to build on each other. I am excited to continue to build my website and have it as a resource for me and other future and in service teachers to benefit from!
What accomplishments has your project made so far?
In this internship so far I have done so much NASA related programming. I am so excited about all of the opportunity that I have had. So far I have lead multiple groups of students on cloud walks, which are walks where we observe and learn about the sky above us, and then we build a cloud in the classroom after as a replication of what we observed outside. I also lead middle school students in a “eggstronaut” activity. In this activity I had students learn about space and what it takes for astronauts and their crafts to survive. The students then were given a budget to supplies to build a craft for their egg and then we did an egg drop.
We also have made NASA patches for the public, having over 250 people come to an open hours lab I led with the help of coworkers. In this lab people of all ages made space bookmarks, played with mars sand, did Space VR, built aliens, and did NASA patches. I have also been leading space activities at an outreach every Wednesday. So far we have done NASA patches, built obstacle courses for astronauts, and made planets and aliens that can coexist together.
I have been to a few more outreaches and have done space battle bots with many groups of students. I also do story time two times a week for the public in the planetarium and have done the rocket launches with many groups of students at camps. Lastly, I have gone to many community events and helped lead the telescope activities and have been doing solar beads, sun prints and various activities around the telescopes.