Iowa State University, Aerospace Engineering
Glenn Research Center – JavaScript Support for Web-based Aeronautical Simulations
What are the current goals of your project?
My goals include migrating the Beginners Guide to Compressible Aerodynamics from legacy site to GLEW page, shadowing experienced engineers in the aeronautics field, and building a prototype model of the Kwadropus duster.
What accomplishments has your project made so far?
I’ve migrated all the Beginners Guide to Hypersonic Guide from NASA’s legacy site to GLEW page, including all the simulations and interactive. I have also taken initiative to research and develop new content for some topics, enhancing the educational value of the guide. Lastly, I finalized the design for the Kwadropus Design Challenge.
What impact has this internship had so far?
I’ve learned more about the aeronautics and space field, which solidified my interest in pursuing a career in this field. I’ve also learned about the working environment and other opportunities at NASA. The hands-on experience will provide me valuable insights on real world applications of my academic knowledge and help me understand the intricacies of the aeronautical/space engineering project.