Deadline: October 18, 2019
Research Innovation Purpose: The NASA Iowa Space Grant Consortium (ISGC) ( will award research innovation grants up to $7,000 to support travel to NASA centers and activities that further NASA interaction and collaborations.
Eligibility: Competition is open to faculty (U.S. citizenship required) from Drake, Iowa State, Iowa, or Northern Iowa (ISGC core institutions). All direct funded participants (faculty and students) must be U.S. citizens. Faculty and/or students who are involved in the administration of this activity, but are not directly compensated, need not be U.S. citizens. The ISGC encourages proposals from females, members of underrepresented minority groups, veterans, and persons with disabilities.
Request: Proposals are requested from eligible investigators for a project that will be conducted during the period beginning November 2019 through June 21, 2020. Prospective applicants are encouraged to discuss their ideas with Tomas Gonzalez-Torres (, director; Jay Staker (, associate director, or Matthew Nelson (, assistant director, to see if their ideas fall within the scope of this opportunity. Proposals for this funding may be up to $7,000. Awards will be allocated until program funding is consumed.
Proposal Content:
- Title Page: project title, principal investigator name, and contact information.
- Project description (one-page maximum):
- Background
- Goals of the project
- Description of how the proposed activity will build new collaboration with NASA
- Budget and budget narrative (two-page maximum)
- Budget and justification that explains, in itemized detail, the ISGC amount requested and non-federal match.
- Awards of $7,000 require a non-federal match of 1:1.25 per award (i.e. $8,750)
- Traveler/proposer must be a U.S. citizen
- Cost-share can be cash and/or in-kind contributions
- Charging indirect on NASA funds is not allowable
- Waived indirect may be counted towards total match from NASA funds and cost share
- A budget template is available at:
- Equipment purchases, facility construction or renovation, and foreign travel are not permitted
- Curriculum vitae of principal investigator (two-page maximum)
- Matching fund commitment letter from authorized institution fiscal agent
Criteria for selection: An effective proposal is one that: shows how the proposer will build new collaborations with one or more NASA centers and aligns with documented NASA and State of Iowa needs and priorities, involves other Space Grant affiliates (where appropriate), provides adequate matching funds, and has a high potential for the collaboration continuing when ISGC funding ends. Effectiveness should be measured (at least in part) by the degree to which the investigator has established a meaningful interaction and has the potential to lead to longer term collaborations.
Required reports include a progress report due in February 2020. A final report that includes an evaluation of the project’s effectiveness relative to the proposed objectives and other standard ISGC and NASA requirements will be required 30 days after the project closes, or no later than June 30, 2020. The report will include an evaluation of the project’s effectiveness relative to the proposed objectives and other standard ISGC and NASA reporting requirements.
Proposal Submission Procedure: Proposals in Microsoft Word format are to be submitted to the ISGC office at by October 18, 2019. The budget should be submitted in Excel format with the ISGC template, see below. Proposals will be reviewed as submitted with notification upon review completion with award allocations until program funding is consumed.
Template available in Excel format from:
Unallowable expenses include:
Indirect charges (waived indirect costs may be counted towards match)
Equipment (defined as >$5,000 per item)
Foreign travel
Facility renovations
Promotional materials (i.e. t-shirts, etc)
Non-US citizen reimbursements (i.e. travel, salary, wages, fringe)
Non-US citizens may participate, but cannot receive direct support