Educators, want to learn more about the Genes in Space Program? Limited registration is now open, and free! Find more information HERE
IBE Conference- April 13-15th, 2023
Undergraduate Research Opportunity
Check out this opportunity for students to participate in research with the Georgia Tech High-Power Electric Propulsion Laboratory in Atlanta, Georgia! To learn more, please see below or visit HERE
Application deadline February 15, 2023!
Educator Opportunity Open: Space Education Workshop
The Iowa Space Grant Consortium (ISGC) in partnership with the Iowa STEM Council and Blue Origin will be sponsoring Iowa educators to attend the Space Port Conference for Educators held in Florida at the Kennedy Space Center, tour Kennedy Space Center and Blue origin facilities, and to meet and collaborate with other educators interested in space.
ISGC will provide funding to six Iowa educators for conference registration, airfare, lodging, transportation to and from the hotel and conference center, and select meals June 20th-23rd, 2023. Applications are now being accepted! Apply at:
Questions can be directed to Iowa Space Grant Consortium Program Assistant, Hailey Waller, at
NASA Summer Internships- March 1st, 2023
It’s that time again! NASA Summer Internships deadline is March 1st, 2023.
University of Iowa OPL Job Opportunities
The University of Iowa Operator Performance Lab (OPL) has two job opportunities currently open. The two job positions include a Research Programmer and an Aircraft Mechanic.
The flight testing center is seeking a research programmer for aircraft related software development, instrumentation, fabrication, modeling, and simulation; data collection on site and at customer locations; support of flight test operations. OPL is a world-renowned flight test laboratory directed by Thomas Schnell. Research Programmer Link
The Operator Performance Lab, directed by Dr. Tom “Mach” Schnell, is seeking an A&P certified mechanic to work on its fleet of aircraft. Do you have what it takes to contribute to ground breaking research at one of the most impressive research labs at University of Iowa? Aircraft Mechanic Link